terça-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2010

Weird America 7 (O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done-15 Janeiro, 1941 – 17 Dezembro, 2010 )

Don Van Vliet, o xamã psicadélico Captain Beefheart, passou-se. Mas para um xamã –aquele que vê no escuro – o passamento e a grande escuridão não são problema. Que o diga John Peel que, no documentário de 97, The Artist Formerly Known As Captain Beefheart, proclamou para a posteridade:

If there has ever been such a thing as a genius in the history of popular music, it's Beefheart... I heard echoes of his music in some of the records I listened to last week and I'll hear more echoes in records that I listen to this week

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