O crítico Simon
Reynolds, aproveitando o mote de Barthes ("o Japão é o império dos
signos"), escreveu que o Império do Sol Nascente é o "império do
retro". Não há país que melhor zele pela herança da música popular
ocidental do que o Japão e as suas editoras. O Japão é a memória do mundo.
Alguma pop paga-lhe com pequenas japoneries. Maravilhosos Stereolab!
terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2016
segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2016
Pois, acerba língua por acerba língua, pergunta o Carlos ao Valente - in absentia, é claro: "Deveria Oxford ter o monopólio?". He, he, he...
Brilhante, brilhante foi
o comentário do amigo Carlos (blog the cat scats) à primeira frase deste artigo. Diz Pulido Valente, o de acerba língua, que "não se percebe como
Cambridge, uma cidade universitária, tranquila e campestre nos mandou um primitivo
português como Tiago Brandão Rodrigues." Pois, acerba língua por acerba
língua, pergunta o Carlos ao Valente - in
absentia, é claro: "Deveria Oxford ter o monopólio?". He, he,
domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2016
Um tipo que escreve I Drink Therefore I Am: A Philosopher's Guide to Wine e emparelha vinhos e leituras filosóficas (tintos da Toscânia com a Fenomenologia do Espírito parece-me bem) deve ser lido com grandes reservas...
Um tipo que escreve I
Drink Therefore I Am: A Philosopher's Guide to Wine e emparelha vinhos e
leituras filosóficas (tintos da Toscânia com a Fenomenologia do Espírito
parece-me bem) deve ser lido com grandes reservas (proponho o espumante
Montanha Real Grande Reserva DO Bairrada Branco 2009 das Caves da Montanha).
terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2016
A cadeira pontifical vagou, "Pope of Pop".
A cadeira pontifical vagou, "Pope of Pop".
Bowie por quem o amou com a força fovente da poesia.
Bowie por quem o amou com a força fovente da poesia.
"Don't You Wonder Sometimes" — Tracy K. Smith
After dark, stars glisten like ice, and the distance they span
Hides something elemental. Not God, exactly. More like
Some thin-hipped glittering Bowie-being - a Starman
Or cosmic ace hovering, swaying, aching to make us see.
And what would we do, you and I, if we could know for sure
After dark, stars glisten like ice, and the distance they span
Hides something elemental. Not God, exactly. More like
Some thin-hipped glittering Bowie-being - a Starman
Or cosmic ace hovering, swaying, aching to make us see.
And what would we do, you and I, if we could know for sure
That someone was there squinting through the dust,
Saying nothing is lost, that everything lives on waiting only
To be wanted back badly enough? Would you go then,
Even for a few nights, into that other life where you
And that first she loved, blind to the future once, and happy?
Saying nothing is lost, that everything lives on waiting only
To be wanted back badly enough? Would you go then,
Even for a few nights, into that other life where you
And that first she loved, blind to the future once, and happy?
Would I put on coat and return to the kitchen where my
Mother and father sit waiting, dinner keeping warm on the stove?
Bowie will never die. Nothing will come for him in his sleep
Or charging through his veins. And he'll never grow old,
Just like the woman you lost, who will always be dark-haired
Mother and father sit waiting, dinner keeping warm on the stove?
Bowie will never die. Nothing will come for him in his sleep
Or charging through his veins. And he'll never grow old,
Just like the woman you lost, who will always be dark-haired
And flush-faced, running toward an electronic screen
That clocks the minutes, the miles left to go. Just like the life
In which I'm forever a child looking out my window at the night sky
Thinking one day I'll touch the world with bare hands
Even if it burns.
That clocks the minutes, the miles left to go. Just like the life
In which I'm forever a child looking out my window at the night sky
Thinking one day I'll touch the world with bare hands
Even if it burns.
He leaves no tracks. Slips past, quick as a cat. That's Bowie
For you: the Pope of Pop, coy as Christ. Like a play
Within a play, he's trademarked twice. The hours
He leaves no tracks. Slips past, quick as a cat. That's Bowie
For you: the Pope of Pop, coy as Christ. Like a play
Within a play, he's trademarked twice. The hours
Plink past like water from a window A/C. We sweat it out,
Teach ourselves to wait. Silently, lazily, collapse happens.
But not for Bowie. He cocks his head, grins that wicked grin.
Teach ourselves to wait. Silently, lazily, collapse happens.
But not for Bowie. He cocks his head, grins that wicked grin.
Time never stops, but does it end? And how many lives
Before take-off, before we find ourselves
Beyond ourselves, all glam-glow, all twinkle and gold?
Before take-off, before we find ourselves
Beyond ourselves, all glam-glow, all twinkle and gold?
The future isn't what it used to be. Even Bowie thirsts
Fro something good and cold. Jets blink across the sky
Like migratory souls.
Fro something good and cold. Jets blink across the sky
Like migratory souls.
Bowie is among us. Right here
In New York City. In a baseball cap
And expensive jeans. Ducking into
A deli. Flashing all those teeth
At the doorman on his way back up.
Or he's hailing a taxi on Lafayette
As the sky clouds over at dusk.
he's in no rush. Doesn't feel
The way you'd think he feels.
Doesn't strut or gloat. Tells jokes.
Bowie is among us. Right here
In New York City. In a baseball cap
And expensive jeans. Ducking into
A deli. Flashing all those teeth
At the doorman on his way back up.
Or he's hailing a taxi on Lafayette
As the sky clouds over at dusk.
he's in no rush. Doesn't feel
The way you'd think he feels.
Doesn't strut or gloat. Tells jokes.
I've lived here all these years
And never seen him. Like not knowing
A comet from a shooting star.
But I'll bet he burns bright,
Dragging a tail of white-hot matter
The way some of us track tissue
Back from the toilet stall. He's got
The whole world under his foot,
And we are small alongside,
Though there are occasions
When a man his size can meet
You eyes for just a blip of time
And send a thought like SHINE
Straight to your mind. Bowie,
I want to believe you. Want to feel
Your will like the wind before the rain.
The kind everything simply obeys,
Swept up in that hypnotic dance
As if something with the power to do so
Had looked its way and said:
Go ahead.
And never seen him. Like not knowing
A comet from a shooting star.
But I'll bet he burns bright,
Dragging a tail of white-hot matter
The way some of us track tissue
Back from the toilet stall. He's got
The whole world under his foot,
And we are small alongside,
Though there are occasions
When a man his size can meet
You eyes for just a blip of time
And send a thought like SHINE
Straight to your mind. Bowie,
I want to believe you. Want to feel
Your will like the wind before the rain.
The kind everything simply obeys,
Swept up in that hypnotic dance
As if something with the power to do so
Had looked its way and said:
Go ahead.
domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2016
Há lá coisa mais excitante do que ouvir "o maior poeta português ao vivo" a usar o dispositivo surrealista da escrita automática!
Há lá coisa mais excitante do que ouvir "o maior poeta português ao vivo" a usar o dispositivo surrealista da escrita automática!
domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2016
Atenção, prudência, olhem que Orwell e o povoléu sabem bem o que são a publicidade e esta capa do "Público": "um pau a bater numa caldeira".
Era nisto que Orwell estava a pensar quando escreveu que " jornalismo é publicar aquilo que alguém não quer que se publique. Todo o resto é publicidade." Atenção, prudência, olhem que Orwell e o povoléu sabem bem o que são a publicidade e esta capa do "Público": "um pau a bater numa caldeira".
(Retirado, com a devida vénia, ao "Truques da Imprensa Portuguesa")
sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2016
Num momento de desvario e exaltação etílica fez votos de Ano Novo irrealistas? Prometeu deixar de espreitar o softporn da net, aprender Hebraico e passear o cão uma vez por semana? Nesse caso, a Teoria da Procrastinação Estruturada do emérito filósofo de Stanford, John Perry, irá ajudá-lo. Como?
Num momento de desvario e exaltação etílica fez votos de Ano Novo irrealistas? Prometeu deixar de espreitar o softporn da net, aprender Hebraico e passear o cão uma vez por semana? Nesse caso, a Teoria da Procrastinação Estruturada do emérito filósofo de Stanford, John Perry, irá ajudá-lo. Como? Este livrinho vai ensiná-lo a pôr de parte as coisas que é necessário fazer, fazendo outras que as substituam e evitar assim a temível angústia do "inconseguimento"(que no dia 31 de Dezembro de 2016 gerará, inexoravelmente, o dobro da exaltação etílica e o dobro de votos de Ano Novo). Trata-se, simplesmente, de estruturar e hierarquizar as obrigações, de modo a que adiar não signifique nada fazer, mas sim realizar coisas aparentemente fáceis que nos libertem da premência de concretizar as difíceis. Contrariamente ao que se pensa, os procrastinadores são grandes fazedores: um procrastinador pode diferir para as calendas gregas o fim do voyeurismo softporn e adiar a aprendizagem do Hebraico, mas para que esse adiamento seja possível, produtivo e não gere a angústia do "inconseguimento", acaba por fazer outra coisa. O quê? Passear o cão uma vez por mês.
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